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2 hours of mentoring per week

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1 project audit per month

Templates Pro


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2 hours of mentoring per week

1 project audit per month

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All courses and resources

16 premium templates

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Courses Pro


Become a Framer wizard.ourses, templates, and resources.

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2 hours of mentoring per week

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1 project audit per month

Templates Pro


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2 hours of mentoring per week

1 project audit per month

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Unlock all courses, templates, and resources.

All courses and resources

16 premium templates

2 hours of mentoring per week

1 project audit per month

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Courses Pro


Become a Framer wizard.ourses, templates, and resources.

All courses and resources

2 hours of mentoring per week

1 project audit per month

1 project audit per month

Templates Pro


Never start from scratch.

All premium templates

2 hours of mentoring per week

1 project audit per month

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