

Create Member-Only Content In Framer.

Create Member-Only Content In Framer.

FramerAuth is a no-code solution designed for authentication, paywalls, and memberships on Framer websites. It allows you to secure digital content like downloads, videos, pages, ebooks, and courses by placing them behind a paywall. Additionally, FramerAuth offers standard authentication, employee-only access, and options for users to ‘sign-up now’ and ‘upgrade later.’

Key Features:

• Lightweight Integration: FramerAuth integrates smoothly with Framer, providing a user-friendly experience for creators to effortlessly protect their exclusive content.

• Auto-Generated Lemon Squeezy License Keys: Access control is simplified with auto-generated Lemon Squeezy keys, automating content security and management tasks.

• Customizable Design: Personalize the appearance of your membership forms to match your Framer projects.

• No Transaction Fees: Unlike other membership platforms, FramerAuth does not impose any additional fees beyond Lemon Squeezy’s charges.

Overall, FramerAuth is a game-changer for Framer creators, allowing them to elevate their sites with membership features. Enjoy the ease of Framer while monetizing and protecting parts of your sites!


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